
Successful retailers have no choice but to win on Google, Apple, and Microsoft. Add us to your local team and tilt the playing field in your favor.


Add 25 years of Googler experience to your team of retail marketers.

More retail media network inventory

Your company is trying to establish a retail media network but doesn't have enough inventory to excite brands. Extend your inventory with high-quality Google and Microsoft ad campaign options. Round out your catalog with sponsored posts on Google Business Profiles and Apple Business Connect.

Product inventory on Google & Bing

Leveraging your product catalog on Google and Bing for ads and free listings is crucial but difficult. We wrote the book when we were at Google. Let the pros make your products shine on Google and Bing.

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dba Managed Ads

Fully managed Performance Max, Demand Gen, and Search campaigns for retailers. Expertly managed for you by our team of former Googlers.

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dba Managed Listings

Managing local listings goes way beyond store hours. Let our team of experts keep your store listings on the cutting edge on Google Business Profile, Apple Business Connect, and more.

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dba Ads

Accelerate launches of local inventory ads while maximizing ROI with optimized feeds. We do the technical work, and your staff of retail experts run the campaigns.

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dba Listings

Retailer marketers need a comprehensive toolset at the best price. dbaPlatform provides the best listings tools for retailers.

See what dbaPlatform can do for you 

Retail leaders choose us to keep them on the cutting edge while they maintain focus on their business.