Vehicle Dealers

Local listings and ads on Google, Microsoft and Apple are the cornerstone of digital automotive retailing. Leave it to us and be sure it is being done right.


Everyone says they know listings and ads for dealers. We really do.

Vehicle inventory

Google and Microsoft have several placements for your vehicle inventory, free and paid. We have been doing vehicle ads and vehicle listings on Google and Microsoft for as long as they have existed. Leverage our expertise and dominate Google and Microsoft with dbaPlatform vehicle inventory solutions.


Read how we lifted conversions 48% with Performance Max with Vehicle Feed

We were among the first to work with Performance Max with Vehicle Feed. Read how we lifted conversions by 48% with a 19% decrease in cost per conversion. Don't believe us? Even Google cites us

OEM Programs

OEMs need dealers to win on Google, Apple, and Microsoft surfaces. dbaPlatform is an approved provider of listing and ad services for several OEMs. Take the lead on your dealers'  presence on Google, Apple and Microsoft surfaces.

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dba Managed Ads

The industry's deepest vehicle inventory ads, Performance Max and search campaign experience. Outsource all of them to dbaPlatform and spend more time focusing on your business.

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dba Managed Listings

Managing local listings goes way beyond dealership hours. Let us do it all for you: vehicle inventory, optimization, review management, and more.

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dba Ads

Vehicle inventory ads on Google and Microsoft can be complex and challenging to manage. dba Ads cuts through bottlenecks and lifts ROAS with feed optimization.

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dba Listings

Automotive local listing experts need a toolset purpose-built for their needs. dbaPlatform provides the only self-service listing tools that support vehicle inventory on Google and Microsoft.

See what dbaPlatform can do for you 

Nobody knows more about vehicle visibility on Google, Microsoft, and Apple. Nobody.